Since 2009, GLYcoDiag develops large expertise in applied microbiology starting with miniaturized alternative methods, them innovative. We offers services in microbiology in order to help our customers (mainly in cosmetics and nutraceutics fields) in the research and optimisation of new ingredients acting on the microbiote.
Indeed, the ingredient activities on skin microbiote can be demonstrated on specific co-culture models mimicking skin environments such as dry, moist or sebaceous. Each co-culture model is composed of 4 to 5 strains of bacteria and/or yeasts most commonly found in each skin environment isolated from healthy volunteers, growing together in the same culture medium and conditions. In this context, GLYcoDiag has created its own wild-type microorganisms skin strains bank, which are more relevant than referenced laboratory strains as they keep natural behaviour according to skin environment were they come from.
Focus on the face genuine microbiota testing model.
In vitro wild-type bacteria co-culture model intended to analyse cosmetic ingredients, that respect the face skin microbiota.
This model is composed of 5 bacterial strains (C. acnes, C. xerosis, M. luteus, S. epidermidis and S. mitis) isolated from cheeks of healthy individuals. This new model, which mimics this skin environment (temperature, pH, strains proportions), allows you to study the impact of your cosmetic product and/or ingredients. Reliable and accurate, results obtained allow to determine a score which is indicative of the action of cosmetic ingredient: either bactericidal, prebiotic or if it maintains the bacterial population and equilibrium (“microbiome friendly”). Don’t hesitate to visit our website at:, to know more about this model and discover the product already tested.
We remain at your disposal for any further information regarding this service or for a quotation.