Lectins are proteins or glycoproteins which possess the ability to bind specifically sugars. They have no enzyme activity and are not antibodies. Lectins are ubiquitous in nature, being found in all kinds of organisms (virus, microorganisms, plants, invertebrates and vertebrates). Lectins are usually oligomeric proteins and have many binding sites. The binding constant of the specific free sugar is generaly many orders of magnitude lower than the binding constant of a glycoconjugate (glycolipid, glycoprotein…) containing this sugar. Lectins agglutinate cells, some lectins are even blood type specific, but they are also able to recognise cells surface glycans allowing to distinguish between different cells species and states. Furthermore some lectins stimulate lymphocyte and induce mitosis.

The lectins have been used for :

  • Studies of glycobiological interactions with glycans or glycans mimics
  • Detection, isolation, and structural studies of glycoproteins
  • Study the dynamics of the cell surface glycoconju gates
  • Cell identification and to separate subpopulation of cells and subcellular organelles – Study endocytosis, neoplastic transformation
  • Mitogenic stimulation of lymphocytes
  • Glyco-biomarkers dicovery and new diagnostics assays design

Products quality

Home made lectins either purified from natural sources or cloned and produced in our laboratory

  • Each lectin is carefully controled according to our specifications:
  • Purity ≥ 90%
  • Binding specificity (performed on a range of reference glycoproteins and neoglycoproteins)
  • Avidity
  • Each lectin is validated in our lectin array technology GLYcoPROFILE®

On request all lectins references can be labelled for :

  • colorimetric readout
  • fluorescent readout

Detailed product list:

ReferenceShort NameCommon NameInhibitory CarbohydrateGlycans Structures Specifities
L1222ABAAgaricus BisporusGal/GalNAcGal(β-1,3) GaINAc
L1221AIA / JacalinArtocarpus intergrifoliaGalGalα1-6 or Galβ1-3GalNAc (T-antigen)>> lactose, more specific for T-antigen than PNA
L1367AMLAstragalus membranaceusGalGalβ
L1205ASAAllium sativum agglutininα(1,3)ManMannose
L1889BanLecMusa acuminataMannose, GlucoseαMan
L1255BC2L-ABurkholderia cenocepaciaα(1,3)ManMannose-containing ligands
L1256BC2L-CBurkholderia cenocepaciaLewis b / Lewis YFucose containing ligands
L1254CJACrotalaria juncealactoseGal > GalNAc
L1366cMolMoringa oleiferafetuin, thyroglobulineGlcNAc, Complex carbohydrate-binding specificity
L1201Con AConcanavalin AMeαManα-Man, Glc
L1249CorMCoregonus lavaretus marenaeRhamnoseRhamnose
L1688FimHEscherichia coli adhesinMeαManMannose containing ligands
L1206GNAGalanthus nivalisMeαMan(α-1,3) Man residues
L2094HPyLHuman Polyomavirus 9 VP1Neu5Gc5-N-glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc)
L1202LcHLens culinarisMeαManManα/Glcα > GlcNAcα, core GlcNAc of N-linked glycopeptides with a Fuc linked α6.
L1236MAAMaackia amurensins AgglutininNeuAc2,3Galβ1,4GlcNeu5Ac/Gcα-3Galβ4GlcNAc/Glc
L1252NPANarcissus pseudonarcissusα1,6 linked Mannosetriose > Methylmannoside.External or internal α or β mannose.
L1257PAI-L, LecAPseudomonas aeruginosaGalαGal
L1259PAII-L, LecBPseudomonas aeruginosaαMeFucFucose
L1240PHA-EPhaseolus vulgarisGal, LacNAcß-D-Gal-(1-3)-D-GalNAc
L1239PHA-LPhaseolus vulgarisLacNAcGalβ1-4GlcNAcβ1-6Man of branched structures of N-glycans, Galβ1-4GlcNAcβ1-2Man
L1223PNAArachis hypogaeaßGalß-D-Gal(1-3)-D-galNAc
L1203PSAPisum sativumαMeManManα/Glcα > GlcNAc α, core GlcNAc of N-linked glycopeptides with a Fuc linked α6.
L2099RPL-Fuc1Recombinant prokaryotic lectin RPL-Fuc1FucFuc
L1579RPL-Gal1Recombinant prokaryotic lectin RPL-Gal1βGalβGal/LacNAc
L1580RPL-Gal2Recombinant prokaryotic lectin RPL-Gal2βGalαGal/GalNAc
L1581RPL-Gal3Recombinant prokaryotic lectin RPL-Gal3αGalαGal
L1582RPL-Gal4Recombinant prokaryotic lectin RPL-Gal4βGalβGal, LacNac, Lex
L1584RPL-Man2Recombinant prokaryotic lectin RPL-Man2ManMan
L2096RPL-Sia1Recombinant prokaryotic lectin RPL-Sia1Neu5Acα2,3-linked sialic acid (Neu5Ac) on N/O-linked glycans
L2097RPL-Sia2Recombinant prokaryotic lectin RPL-Sia2Neu5Acα2,3-linked sialic acid (Neu5Ac) on O-linked glycans
L2098RPL-Sia3Recombinant prokaryotic lectin RPL-Sia3Neu5Acα-linked sialic acid (Neu5Ac)
L2095RPL-αGalRecombinant prokaryotic lectin RPL-αGalαGal/GalNacαGal/GalNAc
L1583RPL-αManRecombinant prokaryotic lectin RPL-αManFuc/ManFuc, Man, Lea , Lex
L1258RSLRalstonia SolanacearumMeFuc (KD = 7.3 107 M)1Fucosylated structures
L1216SBAGlycine MaxN-acetylgalactosamine.D-GalNAc
L1237SNASambucus nigraSialic acid / lactose.Neu5Ac α-2,6 Gal/GalNAc
L1476TJA-IITrichosanthes japonica agglutinin IIlactoseHeterodimer of 29 and 33kDa subunit
L1261TxLC-ITulipa gesneriana agglutinincomplex carbohydratesGal, GalNAc
L1253VEAVicia erviliamethylmannosideMan>trehalose>Glc
L1204VFAVicia faba agglutininMannose > Glucose > GlcNAcMannose > Glucose > GlcNAc
L1219WFAWisteria floribunda agglutininGalNAcβ-sandwich / ConA-like
L1230WGATriticum vulgarisGlcNAcGlcNAc