LEctPROFILE® gels are affinity gel chromatography where lectins are immobilized on a Sepharose 4B fast flow matrix. Glycoconjugates can be recovered by competition with the specific inhibitory monosaccharide of the lectin. LEctPROFILE gels are used for the purification of glycoconjugates with specific N-glycan residues. LectPROFILE gel are personnalized reagents produced on your request (see the list of available naturals and recombinants lectins) in 1, 2 or 5 mL. The binding capacity on LEctPROFILE gel of glycoprotein is over 1 mg per mL of gel.


Purification of polysaccharides.
Purification of complex glycoproteins having specific glycans structures.

Preparation and quality control

Home made lectins affinity chromatography media (LEcPROFILE® gel) prepared in our laboratory.

Useful for purification of glycoconjugates (i.e. separation of various family of glycoconjugates, extraction from natural sources or purification of recombinant therapeutic proteins).

Each LEctPROFILE® gel is carefully controled according to our specifications:

  • Quantity of lectin/mL of media
  • Capacity of the product (assessed with reference glycoproteins)
  • LEctPROFILE® gel are available in 1, 2 or 5 mL slurry. Pre-packed column are also available upon request (sup. Option).

Detailed product list:

ReferenceLectinCommon Name
LG1222ABAAgaricus Bisporus
LG1221AIA/JacalinArtocarpus intergrifolia
LG1367AMLAstragalus membranaceus
LG1205ASAAllium sativum agglutinin
LG1889BanLecMusa acuminata
LG1255BC2L-ABurkholderia cenocepacia lectin A
LG1256BC2L-CBurkholderia cenocepacia lectin C (N terminal domain)
LG1209BPABauhinia purpurea
LG1254CJACrotalaria juncea
LG1366cMOLMoringa oleifera
LG1201ConACanavalia ensiformis
LG1249CorMCoregonus lavaretus marenae
LG1211DBADolichos biflorus
LG1688FimHEscherichia Coli Adhesin FimH
LG1206GNAGalanthus nivalis
LG2094HPyLHuman Polyomavirus 9 VP1
LG1202LcHLens culinaris
LG1236MAAMaackia amurensis
LG1242MOAMarasmius oreades agglutinin
LG1252NPANarcissus pseudonarcissus Daffodil
LG1259PA-IILPseudomonas aeruginosa lectin B (Lec B)
LG1257PA-ILPseudomonas aeruginosa lectin A
LG1240PHA-EPhaseolus vulgaris
LG1239PHA-LPhaseolus vulgaris
LG1223PNAArachis hypogaea
LG1203PSAPisum sativum
LG2099RPL-Fuc1Recombinant Prokaryotic Lectin Sia3
LG1579RPL-Gal1Recombinant Prokaryotic Lectin αGal
LG1580RPL-Gal2Recombinant Prokaryotic Lectin Gal1
LG1581RPL-Gal3Recombinant Prokaryotic Lectin Gal2
LG1582RPL-Gal4Recombinant Prokaryotic Lectin Gal3
LG1584RPL-Man2Recombinant Prokaryotic Lectin αMannose
LG2096RPL-Sia1Recombinant Prokaryotic Lectin Man2
LG2097RPL-Sia2Recombinant Prokaryotic Lectin Sia1
LG2098RPL-Sia3Recombinant Prokaryotic Lectin Sia2
LG2095RPL-αGalRecombinant Prokaryotic Lectin Fuc1
LG1583RPL-αManRecombinant Prokaryotic Lectin Gal4
LG1258RSLRalstonia solanacearum
LG1216SBAGlycine max
LG1237SNASambucus nigra
LG1261TXLC-ITulipa gesneriana agglutinin
LG1234UEA-IUlex europaeus II
LG1229UEA-IIUlex europaeus II
LG1253VEAVicia ervilia
LG1204VFAVicia faba
LG1230WGATriticum vulgare