Concanavalin A lectin (Con A)

ReferenceShort NameCommon NameInhibitory CarbohydrateGlycans Structures Specifities
L1201Con AConcanavalin AMeαManα-Man, Glc

The product Concanavalin A (Con A) lectin is isolated from Jack beans (Canavalia ensiformis) and purified by affinity chromatography.

Con A has broad applicability and is the most widely used lectin within life science research. The lectin binds specifically α-Mannose and glucose structures found in carbohydrates and glycoconjugates (1, 2, 3). The lectin has been utilized in hormone receptor studies, mitogenic assays and for characterizing normal and malignant cells
(cancer cells are readily aggregated by Con A while normal cells are not). Con A can also initiate cell division (mitogenesis) principally acting on T-lymphocytes (4).

Immobilized Con A has been used in affinity chromatography purifications of a wide variety of glycoproteins, cellular structures and for fractionnation of oligos and polysaccharides (dextran, mannan, fructan). The lectin is composed of four subunits of approximately 27 kDa and his native molecular weight is 104 kDa. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in SDS of Con A from Jack beans yields three major bands corresponding to molecular weights 27, 13 and 10 kDa. One minor band is visible at 18 kDa (5).


Validated in GLYcoPROFILE®
Affinity chromatography Hormone receptor studies
Lymphocyte mitogenic studies
Characterization of certain normal and malignant cells


Sugar specificity: α-Man, Glc
Mitogen acting, principally on T-lymphocytes
Reacts with a number of bacterial and animal cells
Agglutinates neuraminidase treated erythrocytes

Ordering informations

Reference Name Quantity
L1201-250 ConA lectin 250 mg
L1201-100 ConA lectin 100 mg


(1) Baenziger JU, Fiete D., (1979). Structural determinants of concanavalin A specificity for oligosaccharides. J. Biol. Chem., 254, 2400-7.

(2) Debray H, Decout D, Strecker G, Spik G, Montreuil J. (1981). Specificity of twelve lectins towards oligosaccharides and glycopeptides related to N-glycosylproteins. Eur. J. Biochem., 117, 41-55.

(3) Liener I. E., Sharon N., Goldstein I. J., (1986) The Lectins – Properties, Functions and Applications in Biology and Medicine. Academic press.

(4) Krauss S., Buttgereit F., (1999) Effects of the mitogen concanavalin A on pathways of thymocyte energy metabolism. BrandBiochim Biophys Acta, 1412, 129–38.

(5) John L. Wang, Bruce A. Cunningham and Gerald M. Edelman (1971) Unusual Fragments in the Subunit Structure of Concanavalin A (gelelectrophoresis/molecularweights) Proc. Nat. A cad. Sci. USA, 68, 1130-1134.

(6) Ahmed, H.U., Blakeley, M.P., Cianci, M., Cruickshank, D.W.J., Hubbard, J.A., Helliwell, J.R. (2007) The Determination of Protonation States in Proteins. Acta Crystallogr.,Sect.D 63: 906.

Can't find all the information you need?
ReferenceShort NameCommon NameInhibitory CarbohydrateGlycans Structures Specifities
L1222ABAAgaricus BisporusGal/GalNAcGal(β-1,3) GaINAc
L1221AIA / JacalinArtocarpus intergrifoliaGalGalα1-6 or Galβ1-3GalNAc (T-antigen)>> lactose, more specific for T-antigen than PNA
L1367AMLAstragalus membranaceusGalGalβ
L1205ASAAllium sativum agglutininα(1,3)ManMannose
L1889BanLecMusa acuminataMannose, GlucoseαMan
L1255BC2L-ABurkholderia cenocepaciaα(1,3)ManMannose-containing ligands
L1256BC2L-CBurkholderia cenocepaciaLewis b / Lewis YFucose containing ligands
L1254CJACrotalaria juncealactoseGal > GalNAc
L1366cMolMoringa oleiferafetuin, thyroglobulineGlcNAc, Complex carbohydrate-binding specificity
L1201Con AConcanavalin AMeαManα-Man, Glc
L1249CorMCoregonus lavaretus marenaeRhamnoseRhamnose
L1688FimHEscherichia coli adhesinMeαManMannose containing ligands
L1206GNAGalanthus nivalisMeαMan(α-1,3) Man residues
L2094HPyLHuman Polyomavirus 9 VP1Neu5Gc5-N-glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc)
L1202LcHLens culinarisMeαManManα/Glcα > GlcNAcα, core GlcNAc of N-linked glycopeptides with a Fuc linked α6.
L1252NPANarcissus pseudonarcissusα1,6 linked Mannosetriose > Methylmannoside.External or internal α or β mannose.
L1257PAI-L, LecAPseudomonas aeruginosaGalαGal
L1259PAII-L, LecBPseudomonas aeruginosaαMeFucFucose
L1240PHA-EPhaseolus vulgarisGal, LacNAcß-D-Gal-(1-3)-D-GalNAc
L1239PHA-LPhaseolus vulgarisLacNAcGalβ1-4GlcNAcβ1-6Man of branched structures of N-glycans, Galβ1-4GlcNAcβ1-2Man
L1223PNAArachis hypogaeaßGalß-D-Gal(1-3)-D-galNAc
L1203PSAPisum sativumαMeManManα/Glcα > GlcNAc α, core GlcNAc of N-linked glycopeptides with a Fuc linked α6.
L2099RPL-Fuc1Recombinant prokaryotic lectin RPL-Fuc1FucFuc
L1579RPL-Gal1Recombinant prokaryotic lectin RPL-Gal1βGalβGal/LacNAc
L1580RPL-Gal2Recombinant prokaryotic lectin RPL-Gal2βGalαGal/GalNAc
L1581RPL-Gal3Recombinant prokaryotic lectin RPL-Gal3αGalαGal
L1582RPL-Gal4Recombinant prokaryotic lectin RPL-Gal4βGalβGal, LacNac, Lex
L1584RPL-Man2Recombinant prokaryotic lectin RPL-Man2ManMan
L2096RPL-Sia1Recombinant prokaryotic lectin RPL-Sia1Neu5Acα2,3-linked sialic acid (Neu5Ac) on N/O-linked glycans
L2097RPL-Sia2Recombinant prokaryotic lectin RPL-Sia2Neu5Acα2,3-linked sialic acid (Neu5Ac) on O-linked glycans
L2098RPL-Sia3Recombinant prokaryotic lectin RPL-Sia3Neu5Acα-linked sialic acid (Neu5Ac)
L2095RPL-αGalRecombinant prokaryotic lectin RPL-αGalαGal/GalNacαGal/GalNAc
L1583RPL-αManRecombinant prokaryotic lectin RPL-αManFuc/ManFuc, Man, Lea , Lex
L1258RSLRalstonia SolanacearumMeFuc (KD = 7.3 107 M)1Fucosylated structures
L1216SBAGlycine MaxN-acetylgalactosamine.D-GalNAc
L1237SNASambucus nigraSialic acid / lactose.Neu5Ac α-2,6 Gal/GalNAc
L1476TJA-IITrichosanthes japonica agglutinin IIlactoseGal, GalNAc
L1261TxLC-ITulipa gesneriana agglutinincomplex carbohydratesGal, GalNAc
L1253VEAVicia erviliamethylmannosideMan>trehalose>Glc
L1204VFAVicia faba agglutininMannose > Glucose > GlcNAcMannose > Glucose > GlcNAc
L1230WGATriticum vulgarisGlcNAcGlcNAc
ReferenceDescriptionGlycan structureCoupling ratio
NeoCTβChitobiose-BSAβChitobioseBetween 10 to 20
NeoFαLFuc-BSAαLFucoseBetween 10 to 20
NeoGaαDGal-BSAαDGalactoseBetween 10 to 20
NeoGaPβDGal6P-BSAβDGalactose-6-phosphateBetween 10 to 20
NeoGaNαDGalNAc-BSAαD-N-acetylgalactosamineBetween 10 to 20
NeoGafαGalactofuranose-BSAαGalactofuranoseBetween 10 to 20
NeoaGαDGlc-BSAαDGlucoseBetween 10 to 20
NeobGβGlc-BSAβGlucoseBetween 10 to 20
NeoGNβDGlcNAc-BSAβD-N-acetylglucosamineBetween 10 to 20
NeoGUβDGlucuronic acid-BSAβDGlucuronic acidBetween 10 to 20
NeoGolGlucitol-BSA-FvGlucitolBetween 10 to 20
NeoLβDLac-BSAβDLactoseBetween 10 to 20
NeoMαDMan-BSAαDManoseBetween 10 to 20
NeoMPαDMan6P-BSAαDManose-6-phosphateBetween 10 to 20
NeoRαLRhamnose-BSAαLRhamnoseBetween 10 to 20
NeoXβDXylose-BSAβDXyloseBetween 10 to 20
NeoGaliliLGalα1,3Gal-BSAGalili : Galα1,3GalBetween 5 to 10
NeoNeuAcLαNeuAc-BSAN-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac)Between 5 to 10
NeoNeuGcLαNeuGc-BSAN-glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc)Between 5 to 10
NeoLexGalβ1-4(Fucα1-3)GlcNAcβ1- 3GalNAc-BSALewis X antigen : Galβ1-4(Fucα1- 3)GlcNAcβ1-3GalNAcBetween 5 to 10
NeoSLexNeu5Acα2-3-Galβ1-4(Fucα1- 3)GlcNAcβ1-3GalNAc-BSASialyl Lewis X antigen : Neu5Acα2-3-Galβ1- 4(Fucα1-3)GlcNAcβ1-3GalNAcBetween 5 to 10
NeoSTnNeu5Acα6GalNAc-BSASTn-antigen : Neu5Acα6GalNAcBetween 5 to 10
NeoTGalβ3GalNAc-BSAT-antigen : Galβ3GalNAcBetween 10 to 15
NeoTn (=NeoGaN)αDGalNAc-BSATn-antigen : αD-N-acetylgalactosamineBetween 10 to 20
Neo3’SL3’Sialylactose-BSA3’SialylactoseBetween 3 to 5
Neo6’SL6’Sialylactose-BSA6’SialylactoseBetween 3 to 5
ReferenceLectinCommon Name
LG1222ABAAgaricus Bisporus
LG1221AIA/JacalinArtocarpus intergrifolia
LG1367AMLAstragalus membranaceus
LG1205ASAAllium sativum agglutinin
LG1889BanLecMusa acuminata
LG1255BC2L-ABurkholderia cenocepacia lectin A
LG1256BC2L-CBurkholderia cenocepacia lectin C (N terminal domain)
LG1209BPABauhinia purpurea
LG1254CJACrotalaria juncea
LG1366cMOLMoringa oleifera
LG1201ConACanavalia ensiformis
LG1249CorMCoregonus lavaretus marenae
LG1211DBADolichos biflorus
LG1688FimHEscherichia Coli Adhesin FimH
LG1206GNAGalanthus nivalis
LG2094HPyLHuman Polyomavirus 9 VP1
LG1202LcHLens culinaris
LG1236MAAMaackia amurensis
LG1242MOAMarasmius oreades agglutinin
LG1252NPANarcissus pseudonarcissus Daffodil
LG1259PA-IILPseudomonas aeruginosa lectin B (Lec B)
LG1257PA-ILPseudomonas aeruginosa lectin A
LG1240PHA-EPhaseolus vulgaris
LG1239PHA-LPhaseolus vulgaris
LG1223PNAArachis hypogaea
LG1203PSAPisum sativum
LG2099RPL-Fuc1Recombinant Prokaryotic Lectin Sia3
LG1579RPL-Gal1Recombinant Prokaryotic Lectin αGal
LG1580RPL-Gal2Recombinant Prokaryotic Lectin Gal1
LG1581RPL-Gal3Recombinant Prokaryotic Lectin Gal2
LG1582RPL-Gal4Recombinant Prokaryotic Lectin Gal3
LG1584RPL-Man2Recombinant Prokaryotic Lectin αMannose
LG2096RPL-Sia1Recombinant Prokaryotic Lectin Man2
LG2097RPL-Sia2Recombinant Prokaryotic Lectin Sia1
LG2098RPL-Sia3Recombinant Prokaryotic Lectin Sia2
LG2095RPL-αGalRecombinant Prokaryotic Lectin Fuc1
LG1583RPL-αManRecombinant Prokaryotic Lectin Gal4
LG1258RSLRalstonia solanacearum
LG1216SBAGlycine max
LG1237SNASambucus nigra
LG1261TXLC-ITulipa gesneriana agglutinin
LG1234UEA-IUlex europaeus II
LG1229UEA-IIUlex europaeus II
LG1253VEAVicia ervilia
LG1204VFAVicia faba
LG1230WGATriticum vulgare
ReferenceNameSpecificityCapacityUnit size
CGFFucose-CarbPROFILE gelFucose binding protein> 15 (based on UEA-I lectin)5, 10 or 25
CGGaGalactose-CarbPROFILE gelGalactose binding protein> 15 (based on AIA lectin)5, 10 or 25
CGMMannose-CarbPROFILE gelMannose binding protein> 30 (based on ConA lectin)5, 10 or 25
CGGNN-Acetylglucosamine-CarbPROFILE gelN-Acetylglucosamine binding protein> 15 (based on WGA lectin)5, 10 or 25
CGRRhamnose-CarbPROFILE gelRhamnose binding protein> 15 (based on CorM lectin)5, 10 or 25
ReferenceNameSpecificityKit ContentAnalysis-mode

GalNAc glycans structures

  • 1 x 96 microplate well for fluorescence detection
  • ASGPR tracer solution
  • Streptavidine-DTAF solution

Direct Binding: Up to 10 samples analysed in triplicate at 3 concentrations

Competition Mode: Up to 6 to 8 samples analysed in duplicate

LK04E LK04G LK04MCells LEctPROFILE® kit (E : eucaryotic cells, G : germinal cells and M : Microbial cells)

Sialic acid (α2,3/α2,6) glycans structures

  • 1 x 96 microplate well for fluorescence detection
  • α2,3 tracer solution
  • α2,6 tracer solution
  • Streptavidine-DTAF

Direct Binding: Up to 7 samples analysed in triplicate at 2 concentrations

Competition Mode: Up to 3 samples analysed in duplicate

LK02DC-SIGN & Langerin LEctPROFILE® kit

Mannosylated glycans structures

  • 1 x 96 microplate well for fluorescence detection
  • DC-SIGN&Langerin tracer solution
  • Streptavidine-DTAF solution

Direct Binding: Up to 7 samples analysed in triplicate at 2 concentrations

Competition Mode: Up to 3 samples analysed in duplicate


Mannosylated glycans structures

  • 1 x 96 microplate well for fluorescence detection
  • FimH tracer solution
  • Streptavidine-DTAF solution

Direct Binding: Up to 10 samples analysed in triplicate at 3 concentrations

Competition Mode: Up to 6 to 8 samples analysed in duplicate

LK03Galectin 3 LEctPROFILE® kit

β-Galactoside glycans structures

  • 1 x 96 microplate well for absorbance detection
  • Galectin-3 tracer solution
  • Streptavidine-Peroxydase solution
  • OPD Tablets

Direct Binding: Up to 10 samples analysed in triplicate at 3 concentrations

Competition Mode: Up to 6 to 8 samples analysed in duplicate

LK06Galili LEctPROFILE® kit

Galα1,3Gal glycans structures

  • 1 x 96 microplate well for absorbance detection
  • Galili tracer solution
  • Streptavidine-Peroxydase solution
  • OPD Tablets

Direct Binding: Up to 10 samples analysed in triplicate at 3 concentrations

Competition Mode: Up to 6 to 8 samples analysed in duplicate

LK08Glycoprotein LEctPROFILE® kit

Man, GalNAc, Galβ/α, GlcNAc, Fuc, Sialic acid, Rha, Xyl

  • 3 x 96 microplate well for fluorescence detection
  • Biotin Labelling solution
  • Streptavidine-Peroxydase solution
  • Dialysis units

3 glycoproteins at 1 concentration or 1 glycoprotein at 3 concentrations in triplicate on 24 lectins

LK05α2,3_α2,6 LEctPROFILE® kit

Man, GalNAc, Galβ/α, GlcNAc, Fuc, Sialic acid, Rha

  • 3 x 96 microplate well for fluorescence detection
  • CFSE Labelling solution

3 differents cells types analysed in triplicate on 22 lectins

ReferenceShort NameCommon NameInhibitory CarbohydrateGlycans Structures Specifities
NeoTn (=NeoGaN)
L1222ABAAgaricus BisporusGal/GalNAcGal(β-1,3) GaINAc
L1205ASAAllium sativum agglutininα(1,3)ManMannose
L1223PNAArachis hypogaeaßGalß-D-Gal(1-3)-D-galNAc
L1221AIA / JacalinArtocarpus intergrifoliaGalGalα1-6 or Galβ1-3GalNAc (T-antigen)>> lactose, more specific for T-antigen than PNA
L1367AMLAstragalus membranaceusGalGalβ
L1255BC2L-ABurkholderia cenocepaciaα(1,3)ManMannose-containing ligands
L1256BC2L-CBurkholderia cenocepaciaLewis b / Lewis YFucose containing ligands
L1201Con AConcanavalin AMeαManα-Man, Glc
L1249CorMCoregonus lavaretus marenaeRhamnoseRhamnose
L1254CJACrotalaria juncealactoseGal > GalNAc
L1688FimHEscherichia coli adhesinMeαManMannose containing ligands
L1206GNAGalanthus nivalisMeαMan(α-1,3) Man residues
L1216SBAGlycine MaxN-acetylgalactosamine.D-GalNAc
L2094HPyLHuman Polyomavirus 9 VP1Neu5Gc5-N-glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc)
L1202LcHLens culinarisMeαManManα/Glcα > GlcNAcα, core GlcNAc of N-linked glycopeptides with a Fuc linked α6.
L1366cMolMoringa oleiferafetuin, thyroglobulineGlcNAc, Complex carbohydrate-binding specificity
L1889BanLecMusa acuminataMannose, GlucoseαMan
L1252NPANarcissus pseudonarcissusα1,6 linked Mannosetriose > Methylmannoside.External or internal α or β mannose.
L1240PHA-EPhaseolus vulgarisGal, LacNAcß-D-Gal-(1-3)-D-GalNAc
L1239PHA-LPhaseolus vulgarisLacNAcGalβ1-4GlcNAcβ1-6Man of branched structures of N-glycans, Galβ1-4GlcNAcβ1-2Man
L1203PSAPisum sativumαMeManManα/Glcα > GlcNAc α, core GlcNAc of N-linked glycopeptides with a Fuc linked α6.
L1257PAI-L, LecAPseudomonas aeruginosaGalαGal
L1259PAII-L, LecBPseudomonas aeruginosaαMeFucFucose
L1258RSLRalstonia SolanacearumMeFuc (KD = 7.3 107 M)1Fucosylated structures
L2099RPL-Fuc1Recombinant prokaryotic lectin RPL-Fuc1FucFuc
L1579RPL-Gal1Recombinant prokaryotic lectin RPL-Gal1βGalβGal/LacNAc
L1580RPL-Gal2Recombinant prokaryotic lectin RPL-Gal2βGalαGal/GalNAc
L1581RPL-Gal3Recombinant prokaryotic lectin RPL-Gal3αGalαGal
L1582RPL-Gal4Recombinant prokaryotic lectin RPL-Gal4βGalβGal, LacNac, Lex
L1584RPL-Man2Recombinant prokaryotic lectin RPL-Man2ManMan
L2096RPL-Sia1Recombinant prokaryotic lectin RPL-Sia1Neu5Acα2,3-linked sialic acid (Neu5Ac) on N/O-linked glycans
L2097RPL-Sia2Recombinant prokaryotic lectin RPL-Sia2Neu5Acα2,3-linked sialic acid (Neu5Ac) on O-linked glycans
L2098RPL-Sia3Recombinant prokaryotic lectin RPL-Sia3Neu5Acα-linked sialic acid (Neu5Ac)
L2095RPL-αGalRecombinant prokaryotic lectin RPL-αGalαGal/GalNacαGal/GalNAc
L1583RPL-αManRecombinant prokaryotic lectin RPL-αManFuc/ManFuc, Man, Lea , Lex
L1237SNASambucus nigraSialic acid / lactose.Neu5Ac α-2,6 Gal/GalNAc
L1476TJA-IITrichosanthes japonica agglutinin IIlactoseGal, GalNAc
L1230WGATriticum vulgarisGlcNAcGlcNAc
L1261TxLC-ITulipa gesneriana agglutinincomplex carbohydratesGal, GalNAc
L1253VEAVicia erviliamethylmannosideMan>trehalose>Glc
L1204VFAVicia faba agglutininMannose > Glucose > GlcNAcMannose > Glucose > GlcNAc
ReferenceCommon Name
LG1222Agaricus Bisporus
LG1205Allium sativum agglutinin
LG1223Arachis hypogaea
LG1221Artocarpus intergrifolia
LG1367Astragalus membranaceus
LG1209Bauhinia purpurea
LG1255Burkholderia cenocepacia lectin A
LG1256Burkholderia cenocepacia lectin C (N terminal domain)
LG1201Canavalia ensiformis
LG1249Coregonus lavaretus marenae
LG1254Crotalaria juncea
LG1211Dolichos biflorus
LG1688Escherichia Coli Adhesin FimH
CGFFucose-CarbPROFILE gel
CGGaGalactose-CarbPROFILE gel
LG1206Galanthus nivalis
LG1216Glycine max
LG2094Human Polyomavirus 9 VP1
LG1202Lens culinaris
LG1236Maackia amurensis
CGMMannose-CarbPROFILE gel
LG1242Marasmius oreades agglutinin
LG1366Moringa oleifera
LG1889Musa acuminata
CGGNN-Acetylglucosamine-CarbPROFILE gel
LG1252Narcissus pseudonarcissus Daffodil
LG1240Phaseolus vulgaris
LG1239Phaseolus vulgaris
LG1203Pisum sativum
LG1257Pseudomonas aeruginosa lectin A
LG1259Pseudomonas aeruginosa lectin B (Lec B)
LG1258Ralstonia solanacearum
LG2095Recombinant Prokaryotic Lectin Fuc1
LG1580Recombinant Prokaryotic Lectin Gal1
LG1581Recombinant Prokaryotic Lectin Gal2
LG1582Recombinant Prokaryotic Lectin Gal3
LG1583Recombinant Prokaryotic Lectin Gal4
LG2096Recombinant Prokaryotic Lectin Man2
LG2097Recombinant Prokaryotic Lectin Sia1
LG2098Recombinant Prokaryotic Lectin Sia2
LG2099Recombinant Prokaryotic Lectin Sia3
LG1579Recombinant Prokaryotic Lectin αGal
LG1584Recombinant Prokaryotic Lectin αMannose
CGRRhamnose-CarbPROFILE gel
LG1237Sambucus nigra
LG1230Triticum vulgare
LG1261Tulipa gesneriana agglutinin
LG1234Ulex europaeus II
LG1229Ulex europaeus II
LG1253Vicia ervilia
LG1204Vicia faba
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