GLYcoDiag Light on : Evaluation of antimicrobial activities of cosmetics ingredients


Dear customers,

As you know, GLYcoDiag propose several miniaturized methods in microbiology which help you during the development stages of your ingredients. The methods listed below enable to study the potential antimicrobial properties of a product (alone or in combination) on a large range of bacteria and fungi.

Those methods are devoted to:

– Determine the minimal inhibitory concentration (CMI).

– Design boosters, systems preservatives or identification/optimization of synergy effects through micro-challenge test method. As a reminder, micro-challenge test is the method of choice for all steps where the regulatory method is not absolutely required (ISO11930). Moreover, adapted to various products viscosities, the micro-challenge test can help you to accelerate your development through large screening with different formulations. Finally, the micro-challenge test method can be customized according to your needs (strains and picking time).

– Evaluate the rate of microbial decrease through Time to kill study.

We remain at your disposal for any further information regarding these services or for a quotation.

With best regards,
