Latest GLYcoDiag’s publications

1. Last publication about the use of our FimH and DC-SIGN LEctPROFILE kits for the design of new gold mannoside nanoparticles. We thank Dr.Stephane Vincent (from the University of namur) to give us the chance to be associated with this wonderful work.

Wang, T. et al. “Glycofullerene-AuNPs as multivalent ligands of DC-SIGN and bacterial lectin FimH: tuning nanoparticule size and ligand density”. Nanoscale, 2023, 15, 11657-11666. DOI:

2. First publication of the collaborative work (ANR Cyclick) between University of Le Mans (IMMM), University of Nantes (CEISAM) and GLYcoDiag about the synthesis of linear glycopolymers and their evaluations through lectins interactions (ConA, BC2LA, FimH, Langerin and DC-SIGN).

Gonnot, C. et al.ROMP-based Glycopolymers with high Affinity for mannose-binding lectins”. Biomacromolecules, 2023, 14, 3689-3699.