Glycobiological interaction studies – a key for the understanding of exopolysaccharide behavior and biofilm formation.

Recently, the group of Parsek have published a study about the function of the exopolysaccharide (PsI) found in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and its interaction with the bacterial lectin LecB that induce stabilisation of the biofilm. This work justifies the interest of glycobiological interactions studies that enable to answer and explain some stayed unknown mecanisms up to now. The expertise of GLYcoDiag in this field is now well known through the GLYcoPROFILE technology platform which is adapted for bacteria-cells glycobiological interactions studies.

Learn more about GLYcoPROFILE

Passos da Silva, D., Matwichuk, M. L., Townsend, D. O., Reichhardt, C., Lamba, D., Wozniak, D. J., Parsek, M. R., Nat. Comm., 2019, 10, 2183 (DOI : 10,1038/s41467-019-10201-4)